Brittlebushes are in bloom, and the wolfberries at Sage Garden are bearing early fruit.

Speaking of volunteers, we have another volunteer tomato this year! Why does this place grow so many tomatoes? Last year we had a huge volunteer tomato plant in the chunky monkey patch that gave us hundreds of little snacking tomatoes. In fact, it's still there among the bananas and peanuts. This one just popped up next to the plum we planted last fall.

Also in the labyrinth, we recently planted a passionfruit vine (on the left), where it can climb up the olive tree.
On the right is a sage called salvia newe ya'ar which we planted just this past winter. This is one of my favorite species for Arizona. It's aromatic and edible, and it thrives in our hot, dry climate. If you look closely on the upper right (just below the aloe in the picture) you can see its first flower of the year.