Sunday, March 31, 2019

Spring 2019 Flowers and Fruit

Here are the latest flower buds, flowers, and fruits at Sage Garden Ecovillas.
Above are alpine strawberries (plus lavender). Below are blackberries (plus grapes and moringa) and mulberries.
The olive flowers are starting to bloom. Above is a closeup of olive flowers. In the picture to the left below, you can see just how thick the flowers are on the olives that have been mulched for two years now. Also below is the grape vine that grows on our clothesline.
Above and left is a new Anna apple that is just starting to bloom. Above and right are the companions around a gala apple, including Arizona milkweed (right), alyssum (left), and hollyhock (the large leaves). Below and left is a flower bud on the persimmon tree we just planted a few weeks ago. I was not expecting flowers for several years. Below and right you can see how many surprise flowers this tree is producing.
The picture above and left has four different kinds of flowers, so I circled them in four different colors. The Thai lime flowers are circled in green, the orange in orange, the bloodflower milkweed in red, and the lavender in lavender. Above and right is a flower on one of our green onions. We'll see if they reseed among the mint.
Now we're stretching the word "fruit" a bit. Above and left is a mystery grain growing from seeds in the straw that we used for mulch. This straw is cut from some kind of edible grain crop, so we'll see what happens when they're ready to harvest. One of the senna bushes is in the background. Above and right is the latest picture of some of our mango flowers, in which you can see the lengthening stems on which the fruit will hang.  Pineleaf milkweed and more mystery grain are in the background. And below are some fruiting bodies. Not only are these blue oyster mushrooms delicious, nutritious, and beautiful, they're also growing in our wood chip mulch (although the one in this picture is growing in straw) where they recycle our pruned branches into rich soil for our trees.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Spring 2019 Flowers

This year we planted milkweed to attract monarch and queen butterflies.  On the left (foreground) is an Arizona milkweed by the gala apple. alyssum is blooming in the background. On the right is a bloodflower milkweed.
Elderberries on the left. Mulberries on the right (the fuzzy green flowers in the foreground).
First place for strongest fragrance goes to the orange on the left. Second place to the senna in the background on the right (yellow flowers). The flowering tree in the foreground is a peach.
I think third place would go to the lavender on the right. The pineapple guava on the left is starting to show gray-green flower buds.
Banana on the left. Mango on the right.
Aloe on the left. Curry tree on the right.
Hibiscus. To the right is the frankincense tree.
The olive trees (left) are thick with flowers this year. On the right is the almond tree.