Sunday, March 24, 2019

Spring 2019 Flowers

This year we planted milkweed to attract monarch and queen butterflies.  On the left (foreground) is an Arizona milkweed by the gala apple. alyssum is blooming in the background. On the right is a bloodflower milkweed.
Elderberries on the left. Mulberries on the right (the fuzzy green flowers in the foreground).
First place for strongest fragrance goes to the orange on the left. Second place to the senna in the background on the right (yellow flowers). The flowering tree in the foreground is a peach.
I think third place would go to the lavender on the right. The pineapple guava on the left is starting to show gray-green flower buds.
Banana on the left. Mango on the right.
Aloe on the left. Curry tree on the right.
Hibiscus. To the right is the frankincense tree.
The olive trees (left) are thick with flowers this year. On the right is the almond tree.

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