Monday, April 10, 2017

Photo Update

All the perennials are out of dormancy.  Here's a photo update.

The picture above is the north walkway.  In the foreground is one of the pecans we planted this spring.  Behind it are the "Kashmir blend" pomegranates, and behind them you can see one of the Afghan pines we planted last winter.

The picture on the left is the "Wonderful" pomegranate in the northwest yard - one of the first trees we planted at Sage Garden.  And the one on the right shows the Barbados cherry and Violette de Bordeaux fig we just planted in the northeast yard.
The picture on the left is of the pear we planted on the north side of the house last fall.  Along the wall of the house you can see the volunteer dichondra.

The picture on the right shows the mountain sage in the center of the labyrinth.  Behind it is one of two volunteer tomatoes that sprouted in the labyrinth, along with some of the neighborhood hollyhocks.  (These grow throughout the neighborhood.  The ones in the labyrinth were contributed by one of my neighbors.)

On the left, you can see the young canyon hackberry tree in the northeast yard, with grapes growing on it and a small chuparosa to its right.

On the right is the peach tree in the east yard, with one of the wolfberry bushes in the background.
Above are some blossoms on the plum we planted last fall, and you can see some of the tomatoes ripening on the volunteer tomato in the background. (Mother Nature really likes planting tomatoes around here!)
On the left is the dwarf mulberry we planted last fall near the east walkway to the mailboxes.  Beside it you can see the mountain sage we recently added.

And the picture on the right shows the apple on the other side of the walkway.  In the shade to its left, you may be able to see the white sage we added this spring.  And you can't miss the volunteer hollyhocks growing to its right.

In the picture on the left, you can see the figs in the south yard by the clothesline.

The picture on the right shows the pistachios we planted this spring.  These are also in the south - just on the other side of the sidewalk from the figs.

And I couldn't resist taking a picture of the Chunky Monkey patch (below).  In the foreground is another "Wonderful" pomegranate, and in the background are the bananas and peanuts.  The peanuts went dormant in the winter, but I left the plants in the ground, and they're growing new leaves this spring.  Mixed in with the peanuts, you can also see - you guessed it - yet another volunteer tomato plant.

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