Some are accompanied by strong fragrances, like the orange blossoms and the chaparral sage.
Others are more showy, like the blackberry and banana.
But I think my favorites this year are the avocado flowers. They're small and somewhat camouflaged, but the fascinating thing about these flowers is the way they ensure cross-pollination. All of the flowers are perfect (having both male and female parts), but the anthers and stigmata open at different times over a two-day cycle. All the flowers on a single tree enter the male phase - when they release pollen - at the same time.
The yellow parts are nectaries, which provide the payoff for pollinators. I'm guessing that's what the ant is after.
Below is a flower from the same tree, but at a later time. Now all the flowers are in the female phase, when they are receptive to pollen.
While this cycle might seem to make it more difficult for a single organism to reproduce, it benefits the population by encouraging genetic diversity, which gave the species more resilience in the wild. This is a fuerte avocado tree. Nearby is a Hass. The Hass avocado tree has a complementary two-day cycle, so it will hopefully cross-pollinate well with the fuerte.
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